About the Conference
Corrosion is a common problem encountered in various capital-intensive industries like Oil & Gas Production, Pipeline, Refining, Petrochemicals, Power, Process, Chemical, Fertilizer & Infrastructure Industries and others. Since the economic loss in these industries due to corrosion is extremely high, combating corrosion has paramount importance. By preventing or controlling corrosion, we may able to increase the life of the assets, decrease unplanned production loss, increase safety & reliability etc. The subject conference will deliberate on the state-of-the-art application-oriented Corrosion Control Practices and Techniques like Cathodic Protection, Protective Coatings, Corrosion Resistance Materials, Inhibitor, Corrosion Monitoring Systems, Corrosion Testing, Inspection & NDT techniques, Assessment of Corrosion Damage.
ICCM 2021 will provide an effective platform for Corrosion, Materials, Asset Integrity, Maintenance & Inspection professionals from all over the world from industry, research institutions and academia for exchanging ideas, acquiring knowledge/information regarding existing and upcoming products & technologies. It also provides a unique networking platform in terms of interaction among professionals from various government and private industries.
Call for Abstracts for Oral / Poster Papers
The conference aims to bring together academia, R&D and industry professionals to effectively address the corrosion problems faced by industries and outline new areas of research. The conference will address the following but not limited to the following topics. Leaders in these subject areas will be invited to share their knowledge, abstracts not exceeding 300 words as per specified guidelines are solicited from the potential authors and they may be sent to
technical@matcorr.org, registration@matcorr.org
Guidelines for
Abstract Submission
Arial; 14 Font, Bold
Arial; 12 Font, Bold
Arial; 11 Font, Bold, Italic
Arial; 12 Font, 300-500 words
Arial; 11 Font, Bold, Italic, 3-4 max., Number of keywords
"ICCM 2021" Theme Topics
The technical program will cover, but not limited to the following topics
Corrosion Control Technologies, New Products & Development
Protective Coatings & Surface Treatments
Cathodic & Anodic Protection – Design, Application & Surveys
Materials Selection and Corrosion Control
Asset Integrity Management
Corrosion Resistance Alloys, Plastic & Composites
Corrosion Inhibitors, VCI & Water Treatment Chemicals
Corrosion Monitoring, Inspection/ NDT Techniques
Corrosion Control in Infrastructure, RCC/ Concrete Structures
Corrosion Control in Oil & Gas, Chemical & Process Industries
Corrosion Control in HydroCarbon Pipeline, Water Pipelines
Corrosion Control in Defence, Aerospace & Marine Sector
Corrosion Control in Automobile, Transportation Sector
Corrosion Software’s & Predictive Corrosion Rate Modeling
Failure Analysis & Case Studies
Digitalization in Corrosion Control Techniques
Delegate registration for Conference
Kindly send your nomination/ participation details to technical@matcorr.org, registration@matcorr.org
18% GST will be applicable in case of INR Fees
Early Bird: 10% Discount till 20th July’21
Corporate Discount
10% for 3 or more, 15% for 6 or more delegates participate from same organization.
Who should attend?
Professionals from:
Corrosion Control Products & Service Providers
Material Specialist, Corrosion Resistance alloys
Non-Metallic Materials Suppliers
Coating Industry & Related Professionals
Cathodic Protection Companies, CP Survey, CP Equipment
Corrosion Testing Institutes, Corrosion Monitoring
Corrosion Monitoring & Leak Detection
Operation, Maintenance & Inspection Professionals
Oil and Gas Production and Processing, Offshore, Onshore
Pipeline Professionals, CGD, LNG Industry
Oil Refineries, Petrochemicals, Fertilizers
Chemical and Process Industries
Power & Energy Industry, Nuclear Power
Infrastructure Companies, Concrete Corrosion
Marine, Ship Building, Bridges & Structures
Aerospace, Defense Equipments
Automobile Sector & Railways
Inspection & NDT Companies for Corrosion Damage Assessment
Failure Analyst, Life Assessment professionals
Design & Engineering Companies, EPC Companies
Vendors & Suppliers of Corrosion Products & Equipments
Educational & Technical Institutes
R&D and Students
Your active participation and value addition in disseminating knowledge in the said event will surely be encouraging for all attendees & audience. We request if you could present some case studies and experiences on any of the topics mentioned.
Promote Your Business/ Sponsorship Opportunity
The subject event will provide a unique opportunity to promote your products/services to the focused International and National audiences besides having an excellent opportunity to interact with the Key Decision Makers, Bureaucrats, Professionals, Engineers, Scientists, Academia and marketing professionals. Request you to contact us for different options and benefits of Sponsorship/ Branding.
Why choose Our Event?
As technical event experts, we know how best to utilize technical gatherings & events to promote, develop and generate business for our clients.
Share knowledge and increase your visibility
Create New Sales Leads
Unveil New Products or Services
Enter New Markets
Build Customer Loyalty
Strengthen Company’s Brand
To discuss your requirements, please contact us.
Conference Souvenir Advertisement Charges
E-magazine (Conference Souvenir) will be published with details of participating companies, abstracts (presented during the Seminar), photographs etc. The magazine will feature advertisements from the industry and is of tremendous publicity & business value. The e-copy of the magazine is going to have a significant number of free circulation (more than 1,15,000 worldwide) covering almost all the industry, service providers, contractors, suppliers as well as end-users.
18% GST will be applicable in case of INR Fees.
Fees in dollar (USD) are applicable for Overseas Companies.
For Registration of Delegate/ Speaker/ Sponsorship
Please Contact to
E-mail Ids: technical@matcorr.org, registration@matcorr.org
Contact No.: +91 98213 71009/ 96673 17805
Off. No.: 011-40196559
Website: www.corrosionmanagement.in/