About the Conference
Cathodic Protection Summit (CPS) is the first initiative in India by Matcorr starting from 2016 to conduct a technical summit solely on Cathodic Protection Technology to increase awareness and knowledge. The conference will deliberate on the state-of-the-art Cathodic Protection technology, CP system design, CP survey, maintenance, applications and development.
3rd CPS will provide an effective platform for Corrosion, Maintenance & Inspection professionals from all over the world from industry, research institutions and academia for exchanging ideas, acquiring knowledge/information regarding existing and upcoming products and technologies. It also provides a unique networking platform in terms of interaction amongst professionals from various government and private industries. Your involvement at this premier event is essential for the success of 3rd CPS.
We cordially invite you to join us in New Delhi.
Call for Abstracts for Oral / Poster Papers
Technical Committee of 3rd CPS invites authors to submit technical papers on specified technical topics for Technical Presentation during the conference. Authors are requested to submit abstracts not exceeding 300 words and as per the guidelines.
Please send your abstract to:

Guidelines for
Abstract Submission
Arial; 14 Font, Bold
Arial; 12 Font, Bold
Arial; 11 Font, Bold, Italic
Arial; 12 Font, 300-500 words
Arial; 11 Font, Bold, Italic, 3-4 max., Number of keywords

Theme Topics
The technical program will cover, but not limited to the following topics
CP in Cross country Oil & Gas Pipelines, submarine pipelines, product pipelines
City Gas distribution pipelines, Water, Municipal and Sewage Pipelines
CP for Plant Piping, applications like Heat Exchangers, Water Circulating Systems
CP in above / underground Storage Tanks, Mounting bullets, Spheres & Vessels
CP in Offshore/Onshore Structures, Well Casings, Offshore Pipeline, SPM
CP in Jetty, Ship industry & Marine Structures
CP in Infrastructure, reinforced concrete structures (RCC), highways, bridges and industrial structures
AC/ DC Interference & mitigation, Issues & Challenges associated with CP system, Interference from Foreign Structures
Performance Assessment and Optimization of existing CP system to manage asset integrity
Cathodic protection (CP) System Design and Engineering, components, equipment and electrodes etc
Pre-design & post-construction surveys, CP Survey & Audit, soil coating survey and assessment,
Essential requirements & challenges in effective CIPS, CAT & DCVG Surveys
External coating and CP, coating inspection, Cathodic dis-bondment
ECDA- Practical approach towards effective assessment
CP O&M Practices, CP system testing, CP system failure analysis & Troubleshooting
Technological development & strategic approach to fill up the technology gaps in present cathodic protection practices
CP standards & guidelines, applicable NACE Standards for CP systems
Delegate registration for Conference
Kindly send your nomination/ participation details to registration@airminstitute.org; technical@matcorr.org
18% GST will be applicable in case of INR Fees.
Corporate Discount**
10% Corporate Discount for 3 or more Delegates from the same company
15% Corporate Discount for 5 or more Delegates from the same company

Who should attend?
The Conference is designed for professionals from a background like Inspection, Operation, Maintenance Engineers, Design Engineers, Process Engineers, Corrosion Engineers, Business development and technical marketing persons from:
CP related Companies, technicians & supervisors
CP instrument & Products related companies
Professionals related to Pipeline, Onshore, Offshore
Ship & Marine structures
Corrosion, NDT, Inspection professionals
Oil, Gas, Fertilizer
Petrochemicals, Chemical & Process
Consulting and design Organizations
Corrosion Monitoring System, Coating etc.
Construction & Infrastructure Companies
Technical Institutes
Vendors Suppliers of Corrosion Related Products
Failure Analyst Expert
Asset Integrity Professionals
Design & Engineering Consulting Organizations
The program will also be useful for engineering students who would like to have more insight into the practical aspects of Inspection & NDT & Corrosion Technology.
The organizer will provide a well-furnished modern exhibition facility at the venue to provide a platform to showcase to the decision/ policy makers/ end users. The expected exhibitors will be from:
- Manufacturers & Suppliers of CP Equipment, Anodes, Rectifiers & other accessories
- CP companies for design & engg
- CP Service Providers, CP survey, Audit, ECDA etc
- CP Consultants & Expert opinion services
- Corrosion Instrument suppliers
- any other companies related to CP
The participants can easily access the exhibition. This exhibition will be open to all the delegates and invitees from industry, research and academic institutions during the conference to create new business opportunities and partnerships.

Stalls & Exhibition Charges
Kindly send your nomination/ participation details to technical@matcorr.org, registration@airminstitute.org
18% GST will be applicable in case of INR Fees.

Conference Souvenir Advertisement Charges
Conference Souvenir will be published with details of participating companies, abstracts (presented during the conference), photographs etc. The souvenir will feature advertisements from the industry and is of tremendous publicity & business value. The e-copy of the souvenir is going to have a significant number of free circulation worldwide covering almost all the industry, service providers, contractors, supplier as well as end users. For advertisement charges please contact us.
Fees in dollar (USD) are applicable for Overseas Companies
18% GST will be applicable in case of INR Fees.

For Registration of Delegate/ Speaker/ Sponsorship
Please Contact to

E-mail Ids:
technical@matcorr.org, registration@airminstitute.org
Contact No.:
+91 8178077405 / 9821371009