Date: 12-13 August 2021; Venue: Hotel Holiday Inn (Physical & Virtual)

INM 2022
4th International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced Techniques of "Inspection, NDT & Monitoring"

About the Conference
4th International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced Techniques of “Inspection, NDT & Monitoring Practices” is one of the largest, dedicated gatherings of industry professionals, equipment and technology suppliers, engineers and researchers working in the field of Inspection, nondestructive testing and evaluation of materials.
The conference provides an effective platform for Inspection & NDE professionals from all over the world to interact, share and exchange experiences of inspection problems and to explore the latest NDT technologies to address inspection challenges. Eminent NDE experts from various national and international industries participate in this seminar along with research institutions and academia. Around the globe, asset owners are facing major challenges to maintain aging assets and to ensure their reliability. Therefore, Nondestructive Testing plays an essential role to ensure reliable operation and meeting the increasing world energy & growth demands.
Call for Abstracts for Oral / Poster Papers
Technical Committee of INM invites authors to submit technical papers on specified technical topics for Oral Presentation or Poster Paper during the conference.
Authors are requested to submit abstracts not exceeding 300 words and as per the guidelines.
Please send your abstract to

Guidelines for
Abstract Submission
Arial; 14 Font, Bold
Arial; 12 Font, Bold
Arial; 11 Font, Bold, Italic
Arial; 12 Font, 300-500 words
Arial; 11 Font, Bold, Italic, 3-4 max., Number of keywords
"INM" Theme Topics
The technical program will cover, but not limited to the following topics
Advances & Development in different Inspection & NDT techniques and its applications
Condition monitoring and Residual life assessment(RLA)
NDE for Corrosion Damage monitoring, Corrosion Monitoring Systems(CMS)
NDE for In-service Inspection
Remote Inspection techniques, Robotics
Advanced Ultrasonic, TOFD, Acoustic, Guided Wave, Non-linear Acoustic, Digital Radiography, Phased Array Testing(PAUT), Eddy Current, Laser Testing, Thermal/Infrared Testing etc
Specific Inspection & NDT techniques for Oil & Gas, Chemical & Petroleum Industry, Petrochemical, Chemical Process Industries
Advanced Inspection practices for Upstream, Offshore Facilities, Deep/underwater Inspection
Energy & Power Industry, Nuclear Energy, Infrastructure, Aerospace, Automotive, Medical, Railways, Defence, Civil engineering & structure etc.
Inspection of Welding & Fabrication
Plant Integrity Management, Risk-Based Inspection & Asset Integrity
NDT Technologies for Non-Piggable Pipelines
Advanced Automation in NDE Investigation, reduction of human factors in NDE reliability
Underwater inspection, inspection of buried structures
Fitness for Service, Aging Infrastructure, Structural Health & plant life management
Materials Characterization, NDT for advanced materials(Non-Metallic composites, polymers, ceramics, and biological materials)
NDT of Pressure Vessels, Tanks, Boiler and Heat Exchanger
Probability of Detection, Reliability of NDT, Investigation and qualification of NDE reliability
Robotic Applications, Smart Sensors, Transducers & Probes technology
Research and development of advanced NDE methods, mathematical models of NDE
Permanently Installed Monitoring Sensors
Inspection for Corrosion Under Insulation
NDT for Under Ground Piping/Road Crossing
Data Management, Digital and computed radiography
Codes, Standards and Regulations
NDT Personnel, Safety & Training Requirement, standardization, certification, and accreditation
Panel & Group Discussions:
Topic: NDE for in-service inspection, Condition Monitoring, and life assessment.

Delegate registration for Conference
Kindly send your nomination/ participation details to technical@assetintegritymanagement.org
Virtual Delegate / Speaker: Rs. 5,000/- (USD 100)
18% GST will be applicable in case of INR Fees.
Author delegate fee will be applicable only for the Primary Author.
Co-authors will be charged Normal Delegate Fee.
Travel & Accommodation need to be arranged by the participant only.
Corporate Discount
10% additional discount if 3 & above nos. of delegates participated from the same organization.
(Not applicable for Author/ Speaker/ Student/ Educational Institute/ Spouse Delegate)
Who should attend?
Professionals from:
Inspection & NDT professionals
Inspection & NDT companies & Service providers
Inspection & NDE Equipment Manufacturers
Welding & Fabrication Professionals
Professionals from Oil & Gas, Chemical & Petroleum Industry
Energy & Power Industry, Nuclear
Petrochemical, Fertilizer & Process Industries
Upstream & Drilling, Offshore Facilities, Pipeline
Aerospace, Automotive, Medical, Railways, Shipping, Defence, Information Technology
Civil engineering, Construction & Infrastructure Companies
Operation & Maintenance Personnel.
Inspection personnel, Failure Analyst, NDE personnel and Regulatory Authority.
Independent Testing Laboratories, Chemical & Admixture Manufactures
Boilers and Pressure Vessel Manufacturers, Material Processing Industries
Design & Engineering Consulting Organizations
Corrosion Management Companies
Corrosion Monitoring & Leak Detection
Engineering and Professional Technical Institutes
Vendors Suppliers of Inspection, NDT & Monitoring Related Products
Failure Analyst Expert, Asset Integrity Professionals
R&D organizations
Your active participation and value addition in disseminating knowledge in the said event will surely be encouraging for all attendees & audience. We request if you could present some case studies and experiences on any of the topics mentioned.

The exhibitions shall provide an opportunity to promote meaningful interaction between end-users and product/ service providers. The organizers will provide a well-furnished modern exhibition facility at the venue which can easily be accessed by the participants. This exhibition will be open to all the delegates, visitors and invitees from industry, research and academic institutions during the conference.

Stalls & Exhibition Charges
Kindly send your nomination/ participation details to technical@assetintegritymanagement.org
18% GST will be applicable in case of INR Fees.
Branding Options & Complimentary Facilities
Sponsorships are solicited from the public as well as private industries, product & equipment suppliers, consultants, overseas companies etc. The conference provides a unique opportunity for sponsoring organizations to promote their products/services to the focused International and National audiences besides having an excellent opportunity to interact with Bureaucrats, Professionals, Engineers, Scientists, Academia and marketing professionals.
The following complimentary benefits would be available for the Sponsors:
18% GST will be applicable in case of INR Fees.

Other Branding Options
18% GST will be applicable in case of INR Fees.

Conference Souvenir Advertisement Charges
E-magazine (Conference Souvenir) will be published with details of participating companies, abstracts (presented during the Seminar), photographs etc. The magazine will feature advertisements from the industry and is of tremendous publicity & business value. The e-copy of the magazine is going to have a significant number of free circulation (more than 1,15,000 worldwide) covering almost all the industry, service providers, contractors, suppliers as well as end-users.

Fees in dollar (USD) are applicable for Overseas Companies
+ 18% GST will be applicable in case of INR Fees.

For Registration of Delegate/ Speaker/ Sponsorship
Please Contact to